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Getting There

Rio de Janeiro is a Brazilian state located in the Southeast Region of Brazil, bordering the states of Espírito Santo, at the north, Minas Gerais, at northwest, and São Paulo, at southwest. The entire Brazilian coast is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, which contributes to a great number of beaches and touristic attractions and sites.   The Rio de Janeiro capital is the city of Rio de Janeiro, known by tourists as “Marvellous City” which has formerly been the capital of Brazil between the years 1763 and 1960.


On account of the capital and state to have the same name, there is a distinction in relation to the place of birth. When reference is made to someone from the state of Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilian adjective Fluminense is used, however, when the designation is in relation to the city of Rio de Janeiro, the accurate terms is carioca.


The estate has a population of approximately 16,370,000 inhabitants, the third great number of inhabitants of the country, inhabiting in area of 43,780 square kilometres, one of the smallest areas of Brazil.  This simply means that the state of Rio de Janeiro has high demographic densities, approximately 366 inhabitants per square meter. 


Geomorphologically, Rio de Janeiro is located in the regions of Plateaus and Mountains of the East-Southeast Atlantic, according to the classification of the Brazilian relief made by the Brazilian geographer Jurandyr Ross. Locally, there are three subdivisions: the Hilly Areas regions with more than 200 meters of altitude, the Lowlands, most well known as Baixada Fluminense, with less than 200 metres of altitude, and the coastal mountains that involve all superficial physiognomy of the seacoast. The highest point of the state is the Pico das Agulhas Negras (Agulhas Negras Peak), standing at 2,971meters above sea level.


Registration desk opening hours

March 08th: 17:00 - 20:00
March 09th: 07:45 - 19:00
March 10th: 08:00 - 18:00
March 11th: 08:00 - 18:00

March 12th: 08:00 - 18:00

March 13th: 08:00 - 18:00


Lunch and coffee servings are included in the registration fees and served during the meeting period (March 08th-13th) in the exhibition area. No lunch and coffee is served on Wednesday March 11th. Coffee break is served in the congress foyer. Lunch is served at the hotel restaurant.

City information

Official tourist information


Emergency contacts

Emergency: 193
Police emergency: 190
Medical assistance: 192

Tourist Police: +55 21 3399-7171 

Conference Secretariat


Business attire is requested for all Congress functions social events.


Voltage in Brazil is not fixed. The electric current in Rio is 110 or 120 volts. Travel adapters are required for certain electric devices. Many hotels and large apartment blocks, however, do have 220 volts outlets.

Passport and Visa Requirements

Brazil adopts the principle of reciprocity of treatment, that is, entry visa is required for citizens from countries that require an entry visa for Brazilians. This rule applies, for example, to the United States, Canada, Australia, and some countries in Asia and Middle East. Citizens from countries that are waived from entry visa are allowed to stay as visitor up to 90 days. For loger stays, visa is anyway required. We strongly advise Participants and Accompanying Persons to verify whether your country is in the list of required entry visa to visit Brazil.

Passport must be valid for at least 6 months after the date foreseen for arrival in Brazil.
For full details on how to apply for a Visa, you should contact the Brazilian Embassy in your country.

Entrance Visas in Brazil (vaccines required for travelling)


Shopping in Rio de Janeiro is on the agenda of any visitor who plans his visit to the city. Most major shopping malls such as the Rio Sul and the Barra Shopping are open Monday to Saturday from 10:00-22:00 and on Sundays from 15:00-21:00. Sophisticated boutiques and large international brands can be found in specific malls such as the Village Mall. Rio has several convenience stores open 24 hours/day.


Rio has an excellent telecommunications system. Direct dial and collect calls can be made from any telephone. Portable cell phones are available to visitors for a small rental charge. The International Direct Dial (IDD) code for Brazil is +55 and the city code for Rio de Janeiro +21

Internet Access

Network name: icma_free

Select the network, open a browser and you will see a log-in page.

Log in with your name and telephone number.

No password is required.


Name badge is required for accessing lectures, lunch and coffee servings, exhibition area and social events.

Please wear your na me badge throughout the congress.

Taxi service

You can find a taxi rank outside of Rio de Janeiro Hotel. Taxi ranks are available throughout the city or taxis can be flagged on the street. Major international credit cards are accepted by all taxis in Rio de Janeiro

Rio´s major taxi companies:

Dress Code

Conference: Business Attire

Gala Dinner: Black Tie

Other Social Events: Casual Attire

Credit Cards and ATM

The main credit cards are accepted in Brazil, particularly in Rio. Visa, MasterCard, Diners and American Express are accepted in almost all commercial facilities and the city is well served by an extensive network of ATMs (“Banco24Horas”).

Business hours

Most offices are opened from 09:00-18:00 Monday to Friday.


Hotels: hotels generally include the service charges on accounts.

Restaurants: tips are optional but are often found at the end of the bill as a “suggestion”. Rio normally pay up 10%.

Taxis: Taxi drivers do not require a tip, although most passengers round for more tariff to be paid when you are satisfied with the service.

BP Tur - Police Battalion in tourist areas

Address: St. Clemente Street, 345 – BotafogoRio de Janeiro/RJ – Brazil – 22.260-001

Tel:  (21) 3399-7565 / 69        

(21) 3399-7457 call center      

 (21) 3399-7562 Service intelligence

Fax: (21) 3399-7450


The Police Tourist Service – DEAT – a specialised branch of the Civil Police, is composed of delegate, detectives, investigators and clerks responsible for investigating and any occurrences record.


The DEAT has its own 47 General Informationheadquarters conveniently located in Leblon in front of the Teatro Casa Grande. The station was established and the police specifically trained to meet foreign visitors


Transportation will be offered from the congress venue to all social events.


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CNPJ  - 05.155.687/0001-58  

R Candelaria 9, Sala 801 803 E 813 Grupo 803, Centro, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, CEP 20091-904, Brasil

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